Friday, 22 April 2011

Eng301 short notes helpful for exam


A buffer is a statement, that helps you bring your reader in a positive
frame of mind, and the message becomes readable for the reader. But “Buffer”
should be neutral in tone. You should also avoid misleading the reader into
thinking that the message is good.

Explain the term artifacts.


These are objects used to convey nonverbal messages about self-concept,
image, mood, feeling or style. Eg. lipstick, clothes, perfumes, glasses and
hair pieces refelect the style or mood of the user.


What is the role of time, space and silence in effective communication?


In effective communication time is very important it reflects the habits of
different cultures as well eg. Persons in
Latin America and the Middle
Easttreat time more casually then do Americans, prefer promptness.
Germans are
considered time precise. In Latin American and in Buddhist cultures you may
wait an hour; just reflecting a different concept of time; arriving late is
a social accepted custom. Every nation have different concept of time.

* *

*Perceptions of time*

- Is the concept of time considered linear or circular?

- What impact will time have upon business decisions?

- Is time considered valuable or an intangible asset?

* *

*Space *

Space is also very important every nation use to keep space with varying
length how do you react in
Saudi Arabia when someone’s breathe intentionally

How would you react hanging onto the outside of a bus in Pakistan? How do
you react to the cold stare of a German as your eyes invade the privacy of
his or her yard? Some cultures consider those who stand close to you as
intrusive, rude, pushy, and overbearing.


Silence is also used as feed back, although it is not much effective but it
is gives feed back to sender.

All above factors countable in effective communication.


What type of barriers in communication will be faced by a foreigner in a
country he visited for the first time and how he will be able to overcome


Generally, foreigner will face two types of barriers and a in a country who
is visiting first time will face them.

*. Semantic Barriers*

- Conversation mean

*. Physical Barriers*

- Psychological barriers

- Emotional barriers

- Perceptual barriers

- Barriers involving values attitudes etc

* *

*Semantic Barrier*

These are the symbols the sender uses to communicate messages both sender
and receiver must have same meaning of the message sent otherwise reciver
will translate the message in different mean

*Problem in Conventions of Meaning*


A denotation is usually the dictionary definition of a word. Denotative
meanings name objects, people or events without indicating positive or
negative qualities. Such words as car, desk, book, house, and water convey
denotative meanings. The receiver has a similar understanding of the thing
in which the word is



A connotation is an implication of a word or a suggestion separate from the
usual definition. Some words have connotative meanings, that is, qualitative
judgments and personal reactions. The word man is denotative, father,
prophet, brother are connotative. Some words have positive connotations in
some contexts and negative meanings in others. For example, slim girl and
slim chances.

* *

* *

*Physical Barriers*

Communication does not consist of words alone. Another set of barriers is
caused by your own physical appearance, your audience, or the context of the
document or the presentation. Your ideas, however good and however
skillfully imparted, are at the mercy of various potential physical

*For Speaking*

Mumbling, not enunciating, speaking too quickly, noises become of hissing
ventilation, blowing air conditioning, ringing telephones, slamming doors

* *

*Psychological Barriers*

Because of the changing world, everyone has his own concept of reality.
Also, human beings, sensory perceptions – touch, sight, hearing, smell, and
taste are limited, and each person’s mental filter is unique. In our daily
interaction with others, we make various abstractions, inferences and
evaluations of the world

around us.

*Emotional Barriers*

One possible psychological block is emotional, you may be emotionally block
is you are announcing a new policy you may become popular or unpopular

* *

*Perception of Reality*

The perceptual problem is that people think differently. Selecting some
details and omitting others is a process called abstracting. On many
occasions abstracting is necessary. However, he should be cautious about
“slanted” statements. Differences in abstracting take place not only when
persons describe events but also when they describe people and objects.
Slanting is unfair in factual reporting. When presenting some particular
facts, you include your own biased ideas into it, you make slanting
statement. Try not to let personal preferences affect your factual reporting
of information.

* *

*Perception of Reality*

Conclusions made by reasoning from evidence are called inferences. We make
assumptions and draw conclusions even though we are not able to immediately
verify the evidence. Some inferences are both necessary and desirable;
others are risky, even dangerous.

*Necessary Inferences*

It is general expectation that when we reach a foreign country, we are sure
that we will be treated politely.

When we post a letter, we infer that it will reach its destination.
Conclusions we make about things we have not observed directly can often be
against our wishes.

*Barriers Involving Values, Attitudes etc.*

Both personality and attitude are complex cognitive process. Personality
usually is thought of as the whole person whereas attitude may makeup the
personality. The term attitude describes people and explains their behavior.
More precisely an attitude can be defined as a persistent tendency to feel
and behave in a particular way towards some object.

Eg. Some people does not like night shift, so there attitude is negative
towards his work assign.

A receiver’s attitude toward a message can determine whether it is accepted
or rejected. The effectiveness is influenced also by the values, attitudes,
and opinions of the communicators. People react favorably when they receive
agreeable message. Receivers’ views of the information will affect their
response. This response could be what the sender desires or just the

Occasionally people react according to their attitudes toward a situation
rather than to the facts.

*Closed Mind*

There are people having rigid views on certain topics. They maintain their
rigid views regardless of the circumstances. Such a closed minded person is
very difficult to communicate to.

*Sender’s Credibility*

Other factors effecting attitudes, opinions and responses

They are following

Environmental stresses, Personal problems, Sensitivity

Each and every factor is considerable.

*Question No: 17 ( Marks: 2 ) *

* *Write a note on different punctuation styles.

ANSWER: There are three types of punctuation styles

1. *Closed punctuation:* In this style the heading, date, inside
address, salutations and complimentary close are punctuated.

2. *Open punctuation:* In this style of punctuation no punctuations
are used even after salutation and complimentary close.

3. *Standard Punctuation:* Punctuation is used only after salutation
and complimentary close.


*Question No: 18 ( Marks: 2 ) *

* *Rephrase the following letter body:

“Will you ship us some time, anytime during the month of October would be
fine, or even November if you are rushed (November would suit us just as
well, in fact a little bit better) 300 of the regular Dell Computers.

Thank you in advance for sending these along in parcel post, and
not in express, as express is too expensive.”

* *

*ANSWER: *"Please ship parcel post, 300 Dell computers before the end of


*Question No: 19 ( Marks: 3 ) *

* * Point out some barriers in communication which arise due to attitude and
value differences of sender and receiver.


*Question No: 20 ( Marks: 5 ) *

* *Write short notes on the following:

1- Importance of communication in your career 2- Developing the right

ANSWER: *Importance of communication in career:* The ability to communicate
effectively is very important for a business management student. Since this
field requires more of mental work so it is important to communicate the
ideas and skills effectively to others to reach the desired individual and
organizational goals. It is important while working in groups. In order to
perform the job effectively it is very important to communicate with the
coworkers and the seniors this will help in accomplishing the job.

*Developing the right attitude: *Attitude is a persistent tendency to feel
and behave in a particular way toward some object. Attitude describes people
and their behavior. Receiver's attitude towards a message determines whether
it will be accepted or rejected. People react favorably when they receive
agreeable message. Receiver's view of information affects the response.
People react according to their attitudes towards a situation rather than to
the facts. So developing the right attitude is very important. Since people
develop their attitudes from experience too so to develop right attitudes
there must be great association between individuals .


*Question No: 21 ( Marks: 10 ) *

* *What is meant by Globalization? The implications of globalization on
organizational behavior is profound and direct. Comment on this statement.

Answer: *Globalization and its implications on Organizational
Behavior:*Globalization is a term that is used to describe the
changing world order in
which various aspects of a nation that include the economic, social,
political, cultural and environmental factors are viewed as being part of a
global community and not restricted in their scope. But according to an
organization *Globalization* means that for a company to survive it must
establish markets not only in its own country but also in many other
countries of the world.

* Implications of globalization: There are *various implications of
globalization on organizational behavior like

- New organizational structures**
- Different forms of communications**
- Need more sensitivity to cultural differences**
- More competition**

Now a days globalization is very much important for survival. Organizations
expand globally to gain access to resources as inputs and to sell there
products as outputs. Companies seek the expertise found in other countries.*
*Competition is of greater extent in global environment. Companies compete
with foreign competitors. The world is viewed as a single market. There
exist a diverse workforce and the challenge of managing it increases as
organizations expand their operations internationally. People from different
countries have difficulties in non verbal communication due to differences
in their cultures.

So globalization is no doubt an important need now but due to
this organizations have to face many challenges.*


* *

*Formal communication*: this is when communicating during an interview or a
meeting with a person you don’t know or otherwise you are a manager.

*Informal communication*: this communication occurs when talking to family,
friend people you know. More positively, informal communication is
communication that is spontaneous, interactive and rich.

Normally in organizational communication there is a blend of both types
like memos are example of informal communication and letters fall in the
category of formal communication.


The communication that takes place between different cultures or different
cultures within a broad culture is called cross cultural
communication.e.g.communication between Pakisatni culture and western
culture or communication between punjabi culture and sindhi culture.

* *


Lifeline means link, help, helping hand, support.
It is the support that enables people/ organization to survive or to
continue doing something (often by providing an essential connection).
For example
"The airlift provided a lifeline for
"She offered me a lifeline in my time of grief".
Communication is the lifeline of every organization.


YES! Electronic theory is influential because of its accuracy otherwise
there are theories which covers other aspects of communication as well.

* *


1. To utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially closing the
mouth: mumbled an insincere apology.

2. To chew slowly or ineffectively without or as if without teeth.

3. To speak words indistinctly, as by lowering the voice or partially
closing the mouth.


1. (Literature / Rhetoric) to articulate or pronounce (words), esp. clearly
and distinctly

2. To state precisely or formally

Hissing ventilation

The blowing sound of the passing air from a
window or a door etc etc.


1. To shut with force and loud noise: *slammed the door.*

2. To put, throw, or otherwise forcefully move so as to produce a loud noise

*Paralanguage* *is part of the nonverbal communication and convey emotions
and attitudes.* It includes the
, volume <>, and, in some cases,
intonation <> of
. *Paralanguage may be expressed consciously or unconsciously.*
*"Paralanguage" includes vocalizations such as hissing, shushing, and
whistling, as well as speech modifications such as quality of voice or
hesitations and speed in talking.*
*Some examples of paralanguage is laughing, crying, whispering, snoring,
sucking, sneezing, sighing, etc. Tone of voice plays a fundamental role in
telephone operator-customer interaction, and generally in telephone
interactions.* "How" something is said is referred to as paralanguage, which
includes intonation, emphasis, word and syllable stress, and so on. The
word, "Yes", for example, can mean completely different things (even in the
exact same sentence), depending on HOW it is said.

*Vocal Quality*: The announcer’s voice alone is not the only part of
speech. It implies the whole announcer and is a product of not only the
physical self but also the emotional and mental being. The voice can be
taught to be more effective through training of those muscles that cause it
to be weak metallic (ringing), harsh, breathy or nasal in quality, and to
those mental or emotional characteristics that provoke the voice to be
grating, melancholy or cold in tone. The announcer’s muscles and mental
attitude must function collectively with precision, accuracy and ease. All
of these elements are responsible for the fundamentals of speech and better
voice quality.

In communication you must be watchful of these things like pitch control and
pitch range.

*Pitch Control* is to maintain the standard speed of your speech/ words.

*Pitch** **Range**:* The perceived pitch of a human voice is determined by
the fundamental frequency, and typically has a value of 120Hz for a male
voice and 210Hz for a female voice. A pitch range of 0 produces a flat,
monotone voice. A pitch range of 50 produces normal inflexion. Pitch ranges
greater than 50 produce animated voices. The pitch-range property specifies
the range over which these variations may occur.

*Artifacts* are objects used to convey nonverbal messages about
self-concept, image, mood, feeling or style. For example, perfume, clothes,
lipstick, glasses and hairpins project the style or mood of the wearer. Many
artifacts are common to the group but we also use artifacts, particularly
clothing, as an individual form of communication.

*A cliché or cliche (pronounced klē-shā) is a saying, expression, idea, or
element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing
its original meaning or effect, rendering it a
especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or

For example, "Money is the root of all evil" - This means all bad things
have a monetary reason behind them.*

* *


This is 'Ringi' process.
Ringi is a Japanese process for reaching decisions by consensus.
'Ringi' is a process used in Japanese organisations which ensures that all
people who will be involved in implementing a decision have a say in making
that decision in the first place. Ringi is a collective decision-making
process involving the circulation of a document (the 'ringi-sho'). This
document is annotated and amended as it circulates, and continues around the
decision-making loop until everyone signs up to it using their own stamp.

The process usually begins by middle managers who circulate the proposal to
all relevant departments and colleagues. This 'bottom-up' process means that
by the time the document rises to the ranks of the senior executives, it
already has the support of all those whose agreement is needed and who will
actually make it happen if it is approved. The function of senior management
is to decide at a strategic level which of the proposals is most important
to the corporation.

Obviously this is a meticulous and slow process, and does not appeal to the
'action-oriented' western manager who wants to see results quickly. However,
this Japanese process can be quicker in the long run by ironing out any
potential problems at the beginning of the process and building commitment
to the project. Whereas the western model is slowed down by solving problems
as the project proceeds, the Japanese method results in rapid and smooth
implementation after detailed planning.


*Memoranda are brief, informal reports used to establish a record.*

* *

* *

*5 W’s and H ***

This approach is used for effective writing, the essentials are the


Who is involved?

Who is the receiver?

Might benefit?

Is or is not involved?

Developed the idea?


What are needs?

Are we taking for granted?

Assumptions are we making?

Is implied that may not be true?

Is missing?

Is the background to this idea?

The advantages and negatives of the idea?


Where the receiver is present?

Where the message will be delivered?

Can it be applied?

Would it not be applicable?

Else could it be relevant?


Why the message is being sent?

Has this idea been developed?

Has this been introduced?

Should we pay any attention to it?


When the message will be delivered?

Is the idea applicable?

Is not applicable?

Should we start or stop?


How the payment would be made?

Will the idea work in practice?

Are people likely to react?

Will the idea be evaluated?

Suppose if we write an invitation letter for a meeting, how can we answer
these five ws and one h?

- *Why* is this meeting needed? The purpose of the meeting should be
listed prominently in the invitation. This lets potential attendees know the
big picture and what the goal for holding a meeting is.
- *When* is the meeting? A good meeting invitation will show the date of
the meeting and times when the meeting will start and end. This helps
attendees with making plans around the meeting, as well as preparing what
they need for the meeting.
- *Where* is the meeting? The invitation will direct attendees to where
meeting will be held. If any special travel arrangements may be needed, the
invitation should provide data for the travelers.
- *Who* will be receiving? The invitation will be addressed to all the
expected attendees and copy any presenters as well. If known at the time of
the invitation, include the name of the facilitator and recorder as well.
- *What* steps will be done in the meeting? Steps to accomplish the
meeting purpose in the allotted time are provided in an agenda. A well
thought-out agenda will list what actions need to be done, how much time is
allotted for each action, and who is primarily responsible for each agenda
- *How* the meeting steps are to be accomplished is done by writing an
agenda using actions words and describing any special techniques that may be
used, such as brainstorming, process analysis, voting or consensus decision

*Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem about it. Here it is:*

*I keep six honest serving-men*

*(They taught me all I knew);*

*Their names are What and Why and When*

*And How and Where and Who.*

* *

*Acknowledging an Order*

Acknowledging an order is a profitable practice. An order
acknowledgment does several important functions. A letter acknowledging an
order provides an excellent opportunity to resell your product and your
organization. Some organizations think such replies unnecessary. However,
orders may not be routine for the buyer. The acknowledgment completes a
valid contract between buyer and seller.

An acknowledgment should always be sent promptly. An acknowledgement
is usually sent as a form reply in the form of

1. A postal card.

2. An acknowledgment form,

3. A duplicate invoice

4. An individual letter.

While answering use the following plan.

1. Thank/appreciate the customer.

2. Restate the order to illuminate any likely misunderstanding.

3. Tell the customer that his order is being processed and should reach him within the given time frame.

4. Express your pleasure in serving him

VENUE: Venue is the place where meeting is held.

*Business Communication*: It is the communication used to promote a product,
service, or organization, impart information within the business, or deal
with legal and similar issues. It is also a means of relying between a
supply chain for example, the chain of consumer and manufacturer, etc.

*Communication planning* is the art and science of reaching target audiences
using marketing communication channels such as advertising,public relations,
experiences or direct mail. It explains how to convey the right message,
from the right communicator, to the right audience, through the right
channel, at the right time. It addresses the six basic elements of
communications: communicator, message, communication channel, feedback
mechanism, receiver/audience, and time frame.

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